Di Martino (Abiogen), Acquisizione Effrx strategica per asset ricerca bifosfonati

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Molecole che si rivolgono ad area del metabolismo osteoarticolare. Per pazienti con patologie come osteoporosi, neuroalgodistrofie, morbo di Paget o addirittura osteolisi tumorali” 


00:00 We decided to acquire EFEREX because it has an extremely important asset, which is this formulation of a molecule that is part of the bisphosphonate family.
00:13 This research was born in the research center of the company from which Biocentrio was born, the Gentili Institute, and consequently allows us to continue to develop all the research and development activities on this family of molecules that are in the area of osteoarticular metabolism
00:34 and consequently for those patients who suffer from pathologies such as osteoporosis, neuroalgodystrophy, Paget, or even osteolysis of the brain.
00:45 This acquisition means having the possibility of being able to interact in a synergistic way, especially for the entire prospective development, putting together our international networking, our partnerships, with that of EFEREX
01:05 and consequently trying to speed up development, growth, and to go and receive those unexpressed potentials that these assets still represent.
