VLOG The Vets, My Brothers Visit, & A Makeup Tutorial!

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Good morning everybody, it is now Saturday,
00:05 the 20th of June, and the last thing you would have seen
00:08 in my previous vlog is me talking about
00:10 how we need to take Sandy to the vet.
00:13 If you haven't seen my previous vlogs,
00:14 I will link all of them down below
00:16 and my vlog playlist and everything.
00:18 But yeah, Sandy's got some little blisters on her feet,
00:21 so we're gonna have to take her to the vet today.
00:23 The vet opens in about half an hour,
00:25 so we're gonna go and drive up there
00:28 because it is quite far away.
00:29 So, we'll take Sandy to the vet.
00:32 My brothers got here last night at about midnight,
00:35 so it was really nice to see them.
00:37 I didn't vlog anything 'cause, like I just said,
00:39 it was midnight, so I was really tired and me and lazy.
00:42 But I will vlog everything we get up to this weekend,
00:44 so I can show you guys.
00:46 But for now, that be all.
00:48 Bye!
00:49 (upbeat music)
00:52 (water rushing)
00:54 So, we're just in the vet now
01:10 and Sandy is really, really scared.
01:13 She's hiding under the AC.
01:18 She would get so scared here, I don't know why.
01:21 She's number 14 in the queue
01:22 and it's only on like number eight right now,
01:26 if you can see.
01:27 (mumbles)
01:32 (upbeat music)
01:37 Guys, so we finished at the vet a little while ago
01:42 and now we've just stopped somewhere for a little while
01:45 because mom wants to buy some chicken saute sticks.
01:48 So, I'm just waiting here with the patient
01:51 who now has a head cone that she absolutely hates.
01:56 So, we're just gonna put it on her when we get home
01:58 and leave it off her in the car
02:00 'cause she's not pitching herself in the car.
02:03 So, I'll see you guys in a bit.
02:05 (laughs)
02:07 (upbeat music)
02:09 ♪ I don't know what you want ♪
02:15 ♪ Let's have a bit of fun 'til I downfall ♪
02:20 ♪ My love, if you feel like I do right now ♪
02:26 ♪ Don't say you're on the run to the other side ♪
02:31 ♪ My love ♪
02:34 ♪ You say you wanna try ♪
02:37 ♪ But you never do ♪
02:40 ♪ Sugar, there's a reason why ♪
02:44 - Good morning everybody.
02:45 It is now Sunday the 21st of June
02:48 and the last thing you would have seen
02:49 is us having dinner yesterday
02:51 because I've been a pretty bad vlogger
02:54 and haven't been vlogging very much.
02:56 But that's because we haven't been doing that much.
02:57 So, there hasn't been that much to film.
03:00 But anyways, we are going to breakfast soon.
03:03 So, I will take you guys along with us to go and eat
03:06 and you can see what we eat and stuff.
03:08 And yeah, if we do anything else interesting,
03:11 I will vlog it and I'll see you guys later.
03:14 Bye!
03:15 ♪ Reason why we lose ♪
03:18 ♪ You say you wanna cry ♪
03:21 ♪ But you never do ♪
03:24 ♪ Sugar, there's a reason why we lose ♪
03:29 (upbeat music)
03:33 (upbeat music)
03:36 (upbeat music)
03:44 - Good afternoon everybody.
03:51 It is now 5 p.m. and my brothers have left back to Bangkok.
03:55 So, I've just been editing the video
03:57 that we filmed together.
03:58 I did mention it previously
04:01 that we were gonna be filming together
04:02 but I didn't say what we were filming
04:04 because I wanna keep it a surprise.
04:06 So, if you're interested in seeing the video
04:08 that me and my big brothers filmed together,
04:10 then make sure you subscribe to my channel.
04:13 If you are already subscribed, thank you so much
04:15 and you will see it really, really soon.
04:18 Aside from that, there's not much else
04:21 I really have to say.
04:23 Got a cone-headed dog over here.
04:26 But yeah, that's all I really have to say.
04:27 My lipstick's got all funny
04:30 because I've had it on all day
04:31 but yeah, that's really all I have to say.
04:34 So, I'll see you guys later.
04:35 Bye!
04:37 Good morning everybody.
04:38 It is now Monday the 22nd of June
04:41 and I've just woken up today
04:43 and not done anything at all.
04:45 I finished season four of Pretty Little Liars
04:47 but other than that, I haven't really done anything today.
04:49 And then about 20 minutes ago,
04:50 I just went and put some makeup on.
04:54 Oh, the dog with the cone.
04:55 Because me and my mom and Connor
04:59 are gonna go shopping soon.
05:00 So, I just went and put some very, very basic,
05:03 basic, basic makeup on.
05:06 I've been using this NYX Matte Lip Cream so much recently.
05:09 I love the formula.
05:11 Definitely gonna have to pick up some more of these.
05:13 And also this eyeliner.
05:15 I forgot to mention it in my beauty joint haul.
05:16 I'm such an idiot.
05:17 I must have just put it somewhere on my bed
05:19 when I was talking about everything else
05:20 and forgotten about it.
05:21 But I really like this eyeliner.
05:24 I'll write down below what it's called
05:25 'cause I don't remember the full name.
05:27 But yeah, we're gonna go shopping.
05:29 So, I'll take you guys along with me.
05:31 If there's anything interesting to film, I'll film it.
05:33 If not, I'll see you when I get home.
05:35 And yeah, bye.
05:37 (upbeat music)
05:41 Hey guys.
05:52 So, I just got back from the shopping mall with Connor.
05:55 And now I have doggy duty.
05:57 I need to wash Sandy with this Ectoderm shampoo
06:02 that we got from the vets.
06:03 We can't.
06:04 It's the bacteria and the bacteria thing that she's got.
06:09 So, I'm going to wash her now.
06:12 And here she comes.
06:12 With her cone.
06:15 And I'll try and vlog it actually, yeah.
06:19 I'll try and place my camera somewhere
06:20 where you guys can see 'cause she has
06:22 the saddest little face ever when you try and wash her.
06:26 So, bye bye.
06:27 Good morning everybody.
06:33 It is now Tuesday the 23rd of June.
06:36 And the last thing you would have seen was yesterday.
06:38 And that would have been me washing my dog Sandy.
06:41 After that, I didn't really film anything
06:42 because I didn't really do much except for try
06:44 and force feed Sandy because she wasn't eating at all.
06:47 And I think she might have an allergy
06:49 to the medication she got from the vet.
06:51 So, she might be going back to the vet
06:52 a lot sooner than planned.
06:54 Anyway, let's finish off this vlog
06:56 by showing you some of the basic makeup look
07:01 I've been wearing for the past few days.
07:03 I just wanted to combine it into a short clip
07:05 instead of doing a separate tutorial on it
07:07 'cause it's really not that interesting.
07:09 So, I'm just gonna put all of these products here
07:13 onto my face and you can see what I've been doing recently.
07:15 So, if you'd like to see my basic makeup look,
07:18 then just keep on watching.
07:20 (upbeat music)
07:23 (upbeat music)
07:25 (upbeat music)
07:28 (upbeat music)
07:31 (upbeat music)
07:34 (upbeat music)
07:39 (upbeat music)
07:44 (upbeat music)
07:58 (upbeat music)
08:01 ♪ I don't know what you want ♪
08:24 ♪ Let's have a bit of fun 'til I downfall ♪
08:29 ♪ My love, if you feel like I do right now ♪
08:34 ♪ Don't say you're on the run to the other side ♪
08:40 ♪ My love ♪
08:42 (upbeat music)
08:46 (upbeat music)
08:48 (upbeat music)
08:54 (upbeat music)
09:00 This is the makeup look I've been loving wearing
09:05 for the past couple of days.
09:07 If you like it as well, do let me know down below.
09:10 I think it's really, really simple, easy, quick,
09:13 fresh looking.
09:14 I've been loving this NYX liquid lipstick kind of thing.
09:18 I will link all of these products that I use down below
09:21 if you're interested in any of them.
09:22 But for now, that's everything for today's vlog.
09:25 If you did like it, please click the like button down below.
09:27 Don't forget to comment about what videos
09:29 you would like to see in the future.
09:30 And of course, don't forget to subscribe.
09:33 And I'll see you guys in my next one.
09:36 Bye!
