Update Vlog hair, workouts, makeup, ootd

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, okay. I'm coming at you with a little updated video special little vlog
00:05 Yes, I know I've been gone for like almost two weeks now
00:10 Um I finished school this semester not entirely um just for this semester, and I don't start back again until
00:16 January I just need like a little
00:19 mini
00:21 Break like I was so stressed out for school, and I'm happy that it's done with this semester
00:26 I just play time with my friends my boyfriend my family just quality time with everybody that love and care about because it is a
00:32 Holiday so happy holidays of course to all you guys. I know my scenes a little different
00:37 I'm in the computer room right now, but I have my family and stuff that are coming over today
00:42 So we're just gonna have like a little hangout and a little cookout because I miss them so so much
00:46 Updates on my hair. I am 10 weeks post relaxer right now. I'm just in a
00:54 Bantu knot and all I did was pull everything to the side and put on my of course favorite flower clip that I have
01:00 Getting my relaxer in about four more weeks, so stay tuned for my relaxer update video because I will be filming one
01:07 I've actually been working out now. I know that I had a video before about work
01:14 I thought I was doing I was doing I did the Brazilian butt lift
01:17 I did and I actually did finish that guys
01:20 I just didn't update you guys on because I didn't really there was a little bit of change on
01:25 My behind, but it wasn't like anything drastic, and I didn't really lose weight anywhere else in my body
01:32 So it didn't for me. It was effective in my butt area, but it wasn't effective in like my body area
01:39 I don't know maybe
01:41 But at that time - like I was still eating what I wanted to eat out. I didn't really have a plan on
01:47 a
01:49 set of
01:50 Food that I wanted to eat
01:52 But um this and I'll stay to Sandy and I switch that up - I switch my clothes really fast
01:57 I was such a month because I feel like they're too easy or they're too hard for me and it's a knee was a little
02:03 Too too challenging for me. I remember I would wake up and have to really
02:07 Really really really apply myself to have to do it and so I've been doing P90X for about two weeks now
02:13 And I love P90X. It's it's a mix between a challenge
02:17 But also kind of fun because the workouts not every workout is totally intense like some workouts
02:24 You just do straight weights or straight upper body works
02:26 You're not straining so much some are straight lower body work and some is just of course the whole body. I absolutely love P90X
02:33 I already lost about
02:35 Three inches around my belly area, and I don't know how much weight I lost I didn't weigh myself the first week
02:41 That I did I weighed myself this week, so I'll see at the end of this week
02:45 How much I lost but I absolutely love it this time around I'm really
02:48 eating foods that are healthy and that are really yummy because I have I'm Caribbean and
02:56 We eat a lot of you know chicken fried stuff like fried plantains rice and beans
03:02 a lot of hearty food, so I
03:06 had trouble like
03:09 workouts are like a lot of trial and error, so I had a lot of trouble with
03:13 trying to
03:15 Eat healthy when things in my house are being cooked that are smelling so much better than what I'm eating
03:21 And you know what I have to eat
03:24 To kind of just change my lifestyle around because I don't believe in diets. I don't like diets at all I think
03:31 They're like a waste of time and they surprise you from everything that you really enjoy
03:37 so I believe in clean eating clean eating and
03:42 This changing your lifestyle around yeah, I still eat chocolate chip cookies. I ate one from Subway one
03:49 But I try to treat myself at least once a week or at least like once every two weeks just to kind of
03:56 Make my body feel like okay
03:58 I'm still eating things that I want and things that I love but I just modify everything a lot
04:02 So if you want I can even share some recipes if some of you girls are interested in seeing what I'm eating
04:08 I could even post pics on my Instagram if you like because I know I post a lot of outfits of the days on there
04:13 I could post foods that I'm eating and meals that I made that are still
04:17 That still make me feel like I'm eating regular food, but that are modified and that's what I'm doing with my workouts
04:25 And I've gotten a lot more energy from it and just I don't know a lot more stamina
04:32 I don't know. I'm just it's really calming to work out
04:35 It's really it makes you stress-free and I just love the feeling of knowing that I can just nail 15 push-ups BAM
04:41 And I don't even have to worry about it. So it's it's good. I love it. Um
04:45 Also, I know I've been getting a lot of requests for outfits of the days and a lot of more hairstyle ideas
04:53 I'm trying to get those together to bring out to that to you guys also
04:57 I'm coming out with a do-it-yourself Christmas video. I know I posted it on my Facebook like like page
05:04 um
05:06 the reason I'm coming out with this video so late is because
05:10 Some of the stuff that I'm gonna be doing in the video
05:13 Are some ideas that I have for my family my boyfriend and my friends and I didn't want them to see it because they do
05:19 Watch my youtube channel
05:20 so I kind of have to put it put it in a day where I know they're not gonna be able to see it or
05:26 or
05:28 Give them their presents beforehand. So that's why that video is still a little bit late
05:33 so just I didn't want them to see the surprise because I have some really neat and cool stuff that I want to do for
05:38 them and
05:40 Yeah. Oh also my outfit of the day. I actually actually wore this
05:45 I actually have a picture of me with this outfit on my Instagram because I have wore it on a day out
05:52 So even though we are in December, I live in Florida and it's still super hot. It is 78 degrees
06:00 So it doesn't feel like winter at all. So I decided to wear this sheer
06:03 Blue top and it has nice little prints of white on it, which I think is super super cute
06:10 Also at the side it cinches
06:13 So it has an extra material so it helps it to flow and be nice relaxed relaxing and not stick to your body
06:19 It also has
06:21 The cut that is longer in the back
06:24 So it kind of covers all my shorts and then shorter in the front to kind of show off
06:29 What you're wearing in the front of the outfit, which I think is super super cute and it has a nice open V neck
06:36 So I can go ahead and put any chunks of chunky necklace that I choose to pair up with the shirt
06:40 The shorts that I have on I love also they're from almost famous and they have like little
06:45 Dots of silver and everything on there super super cute
06:50 The shoes that I'm wearing that I'm gonna be wearing with them are these and absolutely love these shoes
06:55 They're so cute. They have little chains that go around the ankle a nice like
07:02 Diamond shape with all the gems on them and they zip up so nice simple sandals. My earrings are just some plain
07:09 just plain diamond post earrings and I'm wearing a couple of bangles and
07:16 This chunky necklace I did for my makeup. I did a nice simple nude lip with some gloss
07:24 I did some gray eyeshadow and just some color in my tear duct just to kind of pop that out
07:31 So that's just the face
07:32 so
07:33 So basically this is what I wanted to come out to you guys with just a little bit of what I've been doing for this
07:39 Past week. I also have a lot of ideas for
07:43 This channel and for my subbies. I have a lot of things that I want to share with you guys and incorporate you guys
07:50 Just you know have a great fantastic start to the new year because you don't have to start completely next year
07:56 You can start today to make changes. So I love you guys so much
08:01 um, thank you so much for sticking by my side for all your kind comments and messages and I just
08:08 Appreciate you guys so much like you don't understand like it's I love how positive we are and that's like my main goal
08:15 Positivity doesn't matter like who you are where you live what size you are. What do you do?
08:21 Like I just love how all of us girls are being positive and loving to each other. So keep up the good work
08:27 I love you guys so much. Thank you for sticking by me and
08:31 You know making me make these videos watching these videos liking my videos
08:35 Commenting follow me on Twitter liking my Facebook page
08:38 Follow me on Instagram like you girls make my day. So I can't tell you how much I appreciate you
08:45 So thank you so so much and I'll see you in my next video. Okay
08:48 Bye
