Freshen Up Your SICK DAY! Makeup, Hair +Tips!

  • last year
00:00 So we all have those days where we have to get back to work or to school even though
00:14 we would love nothing more than to just stay in bed and sleep the day away.
00:18 I did have a cold the past two days so I did take it easy and I did get some rest but now
00:23 I am back to work so I figured I would take you guys through a pampering session just
00:28 to kind of get yourself looking nice and fresh and over that sickness that you just had.
00:32 So when I'm sick I like to shower morning and night just because I like to feel extra
00:36 clean and I recommend taking a really steamy hot shower because the steam is going to help
00:41 really open up your lungs and make you feel nice and fresh.
00:44 So starting off with makeup I recommend using a illuminating primer.
00:48 This one has a little bit of a purple tint so it's going to help brighten up any dull
00:51 skin.
00:52 Since I feel extra dull today I'm going to be mixing my CC cream with a little bit of
00:59 these oil drops and this is just going to help really give you that dewy look and kind
01:03 of brighten up your face because when I'm sick I just feel super pale.
01:06 I feel like I have the darkest circles under my eyes and I just need a little extra oomph.
01:19 Moving on to concealer I'm applying a little bit of this salmon colored concealer by NYX
01:24 and I'm using my beauty blender to apply it right under my eyes.
01:27 I'm also going to apply it in between my brows and on my chin just basically anywhere that's
01:31 red that I want to brighten up.
01:33 The salmon colored concealer is really great for dark circles so this is why I recommend
01:37 using this first.
01:44 Moving on to brows I haven't filled these bad boys in in days so I'm just going to be
01:47 brushing them up and then using my brow bar to go in the darker shade to fill in my brows.
02:03 To top that off I'm just applying a little bit of the Milani clear brow gel.
02:07 Next I'm going to apply a yellow concealer right under my eyes and this is just to add
02:10 some extra brightness.
02:12 The salmon color is really going to help get rid of the dark circles and the yellow color
02:16 is going to help really brighten up the dull skin.
02:18 To set my concealer I'm using by Rimmel the stain matte powder.
02:23 Now remember this makeup look is not recommended for an actual sick day.
02:28 This is for the day that you have to get back into the swing of things because you don't
02:32 have a choice so I just wanted to clear that up really quick.
02:34 Moving on to bronzer I'm applying that around my face just to give me some color back into
02:40 my face because I'm just feeling extra pale today.
02:43 The bronzer I'm using is by L'Oreal true match in the color cocoa.
02:46 Then to add a little bit of highlight I'm using this one by Maybelline and I'm just
02:50 tapping it on to my cheeks.
02:53 Next I'm going to highlight the inner corners of my eyes as well as my cupid's bow because
02:56 it's going to really brighten up and open up my tired eyes.
03:00 And to add a little dimension in my eyes I'm using this shade by L'Oreal and the tiniest
03:05 bit goes a long way.
03:07 Again we don't want to do a dramatic look I just want to really add some dimension into
03:10 my eyes to make them look a little bit more open.
03:16 And to finish off this look I'm using this nude color from NYX and it's a matte lip paint.
03:23 So I let my hair air dry and I had every intention of blow drying it today but you know what
03:27 sometimes you just don't have it in you.
03:29 So I'm going to show you guys how I do this really cool braid that I tried out not too
03:32 long ago.
03:33 It does take a little bit longer than a normal braid but once you get the hang of it it's
03:36 really easy and it's perfect for a bad hair day to just kind of get it off your face and
03:41 it's a really cute alternative.
03:45 So for this look I'm going to be doing a French Dutch braid.
03:48 So instead of doing a normal French braid you're going to cross each side under the
03:53 middle piece instead of over the middle piece.
03:55 So I'm going to take section one, two and three, cross over each piece under the middle
04:01 piece and then grab a section of hair and continue to braid down.
04:04 These videos are always hard to explain what exactly I'm doing but if you guys want to
04:09 see a more in depth tutorial of a Dutch braid I did post one I would say about a year, maybe
04:14 two years ago so I will post that below for you guys.
04:17 So let's get started.
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06:26 Once you finish off the braid you can use a small elastic to tie it off and then what
06:30 I like to do is just pull strands out of the braid and the reason I like to do that is
06:34 because it's going to give it a really pretty effect and it's going to make it look a lot
06:37 thicker and bigger than it normally would.
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07:16 Once it's finished feel free to pin up any pieces that have fallen or that are just loose
07:21 but the whole idea of this braid is to give it a nice messy feel so don't think that it
07:25 needs to be nice and slick.
07:29 So that is the final result.
07:30 I definitely feel a lot more awake and ready to conquer my day although I still got the
07:35 sniffles but the next step besides yawning would definitely be to get some nice hot tea.
07:45 Whenever I have a cold or I'm not feeling good I love drinking hot tea because same
07:49 idea as the shower, just the steam in your face it just really helps clear you out.
07:53 I have this new water cooler that has the really hot temperature already in it.
07:58 I also like to add some honey into my tea to make it a little bit sweeter so I just
08:02 let it sit for a little bit.
08:04 I plop the tea bag up and down a bit and I like to add a little bit of nonfat milk just
08:10 to top it off.
08:11 This one is the metabolic boost so it's great not just for my cold but also going to help
08:15 boost my metabolism.
08:19 So cheers to you guys.
08:20 I hope you enjoyed this video.
08:22 I hope you guys feel a lot better if you are feeling sick and I guess in this point of
08:26 the video I would recommend putting on your clothes.
08:28 For me I'm staying in the PJs, taking my tissues with me and I'll be editing this video for
08:32 you guys today.
08:33 So I hope you enjoyed this video and until next time I'll see you guys later.
08:37 Bye.
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