Makeup Tutorial in Reverse! How To ERASE Your Face! - Faster - HD

  • last year


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hey Glitter Critters, it's Brie Lent here.
00:10 Happy spring, happy summer, happy tweeting birds outside.
00:14 I'm so excited for this video today, as you can tell,
00:17 because I'm gonna be showing you how to un-git
00:21 and un-apply this colorful makeup look.
00:25 It's gonna be a really fun and creative tutorial
00:28 that I came up with.
00:29 It is a reverse makeup tutorial.
00:31 I don't know what you will get out of this tutorial
00:33 except sheer entertainment.
00:35 I'm also super excited because I'm gonna be using
00:37 some really cool products from So Susan Cosmetics.
00:41 It's a monthly cosmetic subscription service
00:44 and it's $15.95 a month.
00:46 And if you click the link at the top of the description
00:49 below, it will get you 20% off your first month
00:53 if you want to try out these products.
00:54 So Susan Cosmetics is 100% cruelty-free,
00:58 color and skincare cosmetic line.
01:00 And I really love the fact that they use
01:02 botanical ingredients, peptides, and ingredients
01:05 that make you feel good from the inside out.
01:08 So it's actually a healthy makeup and cosmetic brand.
01:12 I absolutely love it.
01:14 Make sure you go and you check out that link
01:16 in the description below.
01:17 I'm gonna be using some of their products
01:19 in this video today.
01:20 So without further ado, I'm pretty sure you are ready
01:24 to get un-ready with me.
01:26 So let's go ahead and let's get started.
01:29 (whooshing)
01:31 I just can't stand this colorful makeup any longer.
01:34 I must now erase my face.
01:36 Starting with my vibrant, hot pink lips,
01:38 I'm erasing every last bit of this magical color.
01:42 If I had to guess the color of a unicorn's blood,
01:44 I swear this is the color it would be,
01:46 mixed with some glitter, of course.
01:47 (upbeat music)
01:50 Next, I'm erasing my sun-kissed glow.
01:52 After looking too tanner-ific for too long,
01:55 it's time to get rid of this magnificent aura of mine.
01:59 ♪ Eyes, but they haven't seen the best ♪
02:02 Next, taking this blush duo from So Susan Cosmetics,
02:05 I'm unapplying this gorgeous cream blush to my cheeks.
02:08 Although this color gave me beautiful peachy cheeks,
02:10 it must go away with you.
02:13 Phew, now that's gone.
02:15 I'm removing my jelly pong pong mascara,
02:18 also from So Susan Cosmetics,
02:20 because these lush lashes were a bit too much for me.
02:23 Although this mascara made my lashes thick and voluminous,
02:26 the beauty it gave me was just too overwhelming
02:29 for the people around me.
02:31 Turtle face!
02:31 Because I want to look like a ghost
02:35 and have no color under my eyes,
02:36 I'm erasing my thick black eyeliner.
02:38 It must go!
02:39 I can't take the beauty anymore.
02:41 Now to unapply my perfect top liner,
02:44 I couldn't stand having those devious cat eyes any longer.
02:48 I was blinding everyone with my beauty,
02:50 so of course they must go.
02:52 Be careful, I may blind you too.
02:54 This vibrant pigmented eyeshadow from So Susan Cosmetics
02:57 is just way too much for me.
02:59 It's perfect pigment, easy application,
03:02 and gorgeous shimmery glow is something I cannot handle.
03:05 (upbeat music)
03:07 ♪ Don't try to sleep ♪
03:09 So I'm sweeping it away with my magical makeup wand.
03:13 Goodbye, amazing eyeshadow.
03:15 My brows were on way too much fleek today.
03:19 I don't want to fleek anyone out.
03:21 (laughs)
03:22 I didn't fleek anyone out.
03:23 So I'm removing them at once.
03:25 Be gone, lashes.
03:26 Oh, there's a critter behind me.
03:28 Oh well, anyways, my skin is not glistening,
03:31 oily, and shiny enough,
03:33 so the powder must be swept away.
03:36 Goodbye, powder.
03:37 ♪ Falling apart ♪
03:38 ♪ Tempted, don't I ever want your ♪
03:42 ♪ Risk of fear, the fear of falling apart ♪
03:46 And last, my skin looks way too flawless.
03:49 I think it's time we reveal those acne scars
03:51 and show the world what I'm really made of.
03:54 ♪ The fear, the fear of falling apart ♪
03:59 So don't forget to subscribe
04:01 to become an official Glitter Critter
04:03 and help us reach our goal of 700,000 Glitter Critters.
04:06 Also, click the link below to check out
04:08 SoSusan Cosmetics.
04:10 Healthy makeup awaits.
04:12 And that is how you achieve this look.
04:15 So, that was magical.
04:17 Now for one more magic trick up my sleeve.
04:21 I really hope y'all enjoyed this video.
04:23 Thank you for watching and have a glitterful day.
04:26 Bye.
04:27 (twinkling)
