'They talked about military, financial, humanitarian aid, as well as the reconstruction of the county'

  • last year

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00:00 Exactly. I mean, in that news conference, essentially, we heard Prime Minister Giorgio
00:05 Maloney talking about Italy's support for Ukraine. She said in a 360 degree angle of
00:12 all aspects and how it was important for there to be a just peace for Ukraine and something
00:20 that even the President Sergio Mattarella talked about, that a true peace does not mean
00:27 a surrender. And they talked about, Mattarella and him also said that they talked about military,
00:33 financial, humanitarian aid, as well as the reconstruction of the country. Now, that's
00:37 what Miss Maloney also talked about. Let's not forget, Italy hosted a conference just
00:42 last month in which the Ukrainian Prime Minister was here talking about Italian companies working
00:48 together with Ukrainian ones to rebuild the country. Now, we also heard, of course, from
00:52 President Zelensky, he thanked Italy and thanked Italians for helping Ukrainians, taking them
00:59 in as refugees. He thanked them for their support, but said that the aggression and
01:04 the violence from Russia continues till today. And he also mentioned about needing help for
01:10 the return, the repatriation of Ukrainian children, children that have been taken to
01:16 Russia and Russian controlled territory. It's believed, Kiev suggests an estimate of about
01:22 19,500 such children are there right now. The two leaders also talked about the entry
01:29 of Ukraine to the European Union.
