Beef Stew - You Suck at Cooking (episode 51)

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:01 Summer has a way of making us forget about winter.
00:03 And autumn has a way of tricking us with its beauty,
00:06 into thinking that it's alright to stick around.
00:09 As winter's death grip starts closing all around us,
00:12 we're gonna have to find our way through.
00:14 And that starts with a hot bowl of stew.
00:17 [Music]
00:20 You're gonna need some root vegetables.
00:21 Root vegetables have spent their entire life surrounded by dirt,
00:24 so you're gonna have to scrub them very thoroughly.
00:26 Give them some final tender moments in exchange for nourishing you.
00:30 And season them with some Epsom salts.
00:32 And you're gonna need some beef.
00:33 Beef has spent its entire life surrounded by a cow,
00:36 but cows are notoriously clean due to their all-vegetable diet.
00:40 So, uh, you can skip this step.
00:42 Chop up your beef into bite-sized pieces.
00:44 I've never done this, so don't make fun of me.
00:47 This is stewing beef.
00:48 We're making cubes, uh, you know, like beef dice.
00:51 Snake eyes.
00:52 Gonna put some vegetable oil in.
00:54 A little bit of beef broth.
00:56 And we're gonna sear this.
00:58 When you sear it on all sides, it creates this dark crust kind of thing.
01:01 Apparently it tastes better than if you don't do that.
01:04 The problem with this is I don't know what I'm doing.
01:06 I think I really messed up the searing by putting in too much liquid,
01:10 so I'm just gonna put in the beef broth and let this simmer on low.
01:13 [sizzling]
01:15 [sizzling]
01:17 [sizzling]
01:19 [sizzling]
01:21 [sizzling]
01:23 [sizzling]
01:25 [sizzling]
01:27 [sizzling]
01:29 [water pouring]
01:31 [water pouring]
01:33 [water pouring]
01:35 [water pouring]
01:37 [water pouring]
01:39 [water pouring]
01:41 [spraying]
01:43 [spraying]
01:45 [spraying]
01:47 [spraying]
01:49 [spraying]
01:51 [spraying]
01:53 [spraying]
01:55 [spraying]
01:57 [spraying]
01:59 Great.
02:00 [slicing]
02:02 Onion metaphor, I'm so deep.
02:04 [slicing]
02:06 Now there's no law saying you have to saute your onions first, but it'll taste better if you do.
02:10 Saute.
02:12 And they said flavor doesn't have a color.
02:14 Let's get these onions in here. Now we're gonna put the everything else in.
02:18 Carrots are going in, potatoes going in.
02:20 Salt, pepper, pepper, pepper.
02:22 A bit of Dijon mustard. Shout out to Katie's mom.
02:24 A lot of people put flour in to thicken it. I'm gonna see if I can get away with it.
02:28 [sizzling]
02:30 Then just let that simmer on low for two to three months.
02:33 This is a good time to get your jacket from last year that you haven't worn yet
02:36 and just empty out the pockets and make sure there isn't anything in there that
02:40 you don't want to be carrying around with you.
02:42 And if your pockets are full, it means you haven't washed your jacket since last year.
02:46 So no reason to start now.
02:48 Dear Erica, I'm not sure I'll have the guts to give this to you.
02:53 Do you believe in ghosts?
02:55 [crunching]
02:56 More pepper.
02:58 And I'm gonna add a bay leaf into this.
03:00 F*ck it. I'm gonna spice it up a bit.
03:02 I added in a little bit of thyme and oregano.
03:05 We're getting pretty close here.
03:07 [sizzling]
03:09 So these frozen peas really just need to be warmed up.
03:11 If you put them in too soon, they'll fall apart.
03:14 Now you're gonna want to eat your beef stew in front of a nice cozy fire.
03:17 If you don't have a working fireplace, simply take some tissue paper,
03:20 arrange it all flamey, turn your fan on.
03:23 Now all that's left is the soothing crackling of the flames.
03:27 [crackling]
03:33 I love eating stew with bread and butter.
03:35 Some people have it on noodles.
03:37 Or if you just pour it right on top of a piece of bread and butter,
03:40 and eat it with a knife and fork.
03:42 And that's basically how you get through winter.
03:44 Especially a winter that looks like it's gonna last for four years.
03:48 [crackling]
03:50 [singing]
04:14 (music fades)
