Let's cook! How to make your very own healthy pizza!!

  • last year
00:00 It's raining here again in Texas. Gloomy weather, yada yada yada.
00:06 And I wanted to play outside all day today with my brand new hula hoop that I just bought last night.
00:13 What is there to do on a sad rainy day besides watching TV, Netflix, and video games?
00:21 I know! Let's make some pizza!
00:24 Alright guys, it's pizza making time!
00:28 So instead of ordering pizza, we're going to make our own pizza.
00:32 You're going to need these simple ingredients.
00:34 Your choice of toppings.
00:35 Pizza sauce.
00:42 Cheese.
00:43 I'm going to be using flatbread instead of regular pizza dough, but you can use pizza dough if you like.
00:49 Different assortments of veggies.
00:51 And I'm going to be using, of course, barbecue for a great kick of flavor.
00:57 You don't necessarily have to use these ingredients, but these are what I will be using.
01:01 Alright, so the first step is to prepare your ingredients.
01:09 So first and foremost, I'm going to wash these veggies and then I'm going to chop these up.
01:15 And I'm also going to be waiting for my chicken to cook.
01:22 Hey guys, so I just noticed I misspelled ingredients in the first step, so I went ahead and corrected it.
01:27 My mistake! Oops!
01:29 And now on to the second step, which is...
01:34 Chop the ingredients up!
01:37 So I went ahead and cut up my veggies and chopped my chicken into slices.
01:44 Alright guys, now we're on to step three, which is create your pizza.
01:51 [music]
01:56 Alright guys, so now that you're done creating your pizza, you can now marvel in your beautiful creation.
02:03 Now it's time for step four, which is...
02:08 Baking time!
02:11 I'm going to put this bad boy in 400 degrees.
02:20 Ooh, it's hot!
02:23 And put this in here.
02:30 And now we wait for 10 minutes.
02:36 And the last and final step, which is to enjoy your pizza.
02:47 Ah, my beautiful creation. Don't they look so good and tasty?
02:52 Now you too can even make your own pizza.
02:55 Thank you guys so much for watching. Now excuse me, I'm going to go ahead and enjoy my creation.
03:01 I am so hungry and I've been waiting and anticipating for this moment for quite a while already.
03:06 Till next time guys, bye!
