How to cook bulk chicken and enchiladas

  • last year


00:00 Hello, my name is Maxine and this is Cooking on a Budget where we actually cook on a real budget.
00:06 So, mostly we buy everything in bulk.
00:09 We reuse containers. We go shopping wherever there is bulk stores. So if you have bulk stores in your area, that's where you want to go.
00:16 We just go through and refill containers and reuse them.
00:22 We buy bulk rice,
00:24 oatmeal,
00:27 flour and sugar. We do make sure that we are checking the prices to make sure that
00:32 it is comparable or cheaper in the long run because not everything is going to be cheaper in bulk.
00:38 Make sure you check the prices. Today, we are going to be working with whole chickens and getting everything prepared for bulk cooking.
00:45 Today, I'm going to use my roasting pan. This is my well-worn roasting pan as you can see. So this is what I'm using.
00:53 However, if you do not have a roasting pan,
00:57 feel free to use a crock pot and
00:59 depending on your family size, you can use a large one or a small one.
01:04 Or you can use a roasting pan. And if you're only doing one chicken, feel free to use a cake pan.
01:12 Sorry, I don't have one of those on hand right now.
01:14 So we are going to get started with our chicken.
01:17 Today, I'm going to be using two chickens.
01:25 So when you have your chicken, you want to make sure that all of the guts are out of it.
01:30 You just want to take everything out. Make sure it's all out. I do not like having
01:36 my broth greasy. We'll be using the broth later.
01:40 So we are just going to tear the skin off of the chicken.
01:45 This will not get all of the
01:51 skin off, but it'll get most of the skin off. You want a little bit of fat left into your broth.
01:56 Okay, so with these chickens, we always buy cheap. Wherever we go,
02:02 we try to find the best price on the food. These chickens were $1.80 a pound.
02:08 Really, really didn't want to pay that much for them, but in this economy,
02:13 it doesn't seem like you're going to get them any less than that. So I figured $1.80 a pound was actually pretty good.
02:19 They were about $6 a piece.
02:22 Like I said, there's going to be some skin that is left on the chicken because you want some of the fat, just not
02:31 all of the fat.
02:33 Now when the chicken is done,
02:36 my worst... the thing I hate dealing with the most is the neck bone.
02:43 All of these bones in here are really, really tiny.
02:46 So once you get the chicken to the point of where it's done, it's falling apart.
02:50 These bones are really, really difficult to deal with. So what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to cut them out.
02:58 I'm not a professional butcher, so don't expect too much. I just take my knife and
03:05 cut into it.
03:09 And
03:14 it does not always go as smoothly as planned.
03:18 You need to be really, really careful doing this because the bones are sharp, your knife is sharp, and
03:26 it can be a dangerous mix. So you just want to be really, really careful on how you do this.
03:33 It doesn't have to be pretty. You want it to fall apart anyway, so if it requires taking
