Nuovi farmaci in arrivo contro le leucemie acute

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Importanti aspettative per i pazienti che non sopportano la chemioterapia acuta 


00:00 Among the new drugs that we have available, or that we will have available soon,
00:06 I would emphasize some, such as CPX,
00:11 which is a combination of two chemotherapeutic drugs, such as cytosine rabinoside and danorubicin,
00:18 a drug that is particularly active in the treatment of some forms of acute and melodic leukemia, such as the so-called secondary ones.
00:27 As for the drugs that could be available soon, I would emphasize the combination of venetoclax and more agents of pometilant.
00:36 Indeed, this is a combination that has been accessed so far thanks to the 648 law,
00:44 but now there is the definitive approval of this combination,
00:48 as well as we will have new combinations available, for example azacitin plus ivosidenib,
00:55 which is a particular category of patients, those with mutations of IDH1,
01:00 and another further step should be, soon, the availability of oral azacitin,
01:08 therefore a package of drugs that seem particularly useful, especially for those patients not eligible for chemotherapy.
