The World in 2050- Future Technology

  • last year
From things in the air to new things for our bodies, join me as we explore 2050: What Would Be The Future Technology?
We are in the year 2020, and if we're being honest with ourselves, technology is incredibly advanced, and we're making strides that can push things even further. We have cars that are much safer than they've been in the past decade, and we're even making fully electric cars that can help save the planet. There are even plans for self-driving cars and even self-driving Ubers that make the future of transportation very exciting. And that's just ONE technology that we're growing at a fast rate. What about all the others that are out there? What will technology be like as we get closer and closer to 2050?
Let's start with the one that well and truly could happen very soon, drones. "
Let's keep going with transportation, shall we? Right now, one of the biggest ways to get around the countries we live in is by train. Trains ferry people and all sorts of cargo around in an efficient and reliable manner, which is why they've been in use for hundreds of years. But...if we're being honest here, while trains are efficient and reliable in certain ways...they aren't exactly fast. Especially when it comes to passenger and freight trains. They can take a LONG time to get to their destinations and at times it's more logical to take other modes of transportation.
This is why companies are making special kinds of trains that can go MUCH faster. You know of the magnetic trains of Japan no doubt, but others like the V. Hyperloop are trying to push things even further.
"Passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloop vehicle and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle floats above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag."
Science-fiction? Hardly, in fact, the first vehicle of the Hyperloop has already been tested and proven, and some larger tests are being scheduled for the next few years. And if this works, traveling across the country will be MUCH faster. How much faster? The hyperloop aims to send people shooting across the tubes that they make at a rate of about 600 miles per hour.

Mars seems to be the place where many feel we can go in order to live amongst the stars. And many speculate that by 2030 at the latest (barring setbacks, accidents, and other things obviously) we could not only be colonizing Mars but having regular shuttles go there so that pe
