The arts of the Mughal Empire | Mughal empire complete History | Mughal Gallery

  • last year
The great age of Mughal art lasted from about 1580 to 1650 and spanned the reigns of three emperors: Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. Hindu and Muslim artists and craftsmen from the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent worked with Iranian masters in the masculine environment of the royal workshops. Their very different traditions were combined to produce a radically new, and rapidly evolving style of art for the court.
The Mughal dynasty was founded in 1526 when Babur, a Central Asian Muslim prince, followed the example of his ancestor Timur (d.1405) and invaded the land he knew as Hindustan (the Indian subcontinent). He seized the Delhi Sultanate from its ruler, Ibrahim Lodi, and laid the foundations of what would become one of the world's great empires. Through his mother's line, Babur was also descended from the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan (about 1162 – 1227), and the dynasty would become known by the Persian word for Mongol.
Babur's languages were Turki, in which he wrote his memoirs, and Persian, the language of culture across Iran and Central Asia. His reign lasted only four years, but during that time he constructed new buildings and laid out gardens in the geometric Iranian style. None have survived.

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