Mikrotik DAY Night Package for PPPoE Users - How to create day & night package in Mikrotik - iT info

  • last year
Hi Friends, Today we will learn how to create Day & Night Packages in Mikrotik. We will use Mikrotik HAP MINI for this project. 1st we will configure Mikrotik as a Simple PPPoE server. Then we will add some rules you can see in video. 1st we will add multi IP Pools for different Packages, 2nd we will create Profiles in ppp for users (We will create profile without data limit but you can create with data limit), then we will crea PCQ for data limit and create Queues for day and night, after that we will add script for enable or disable day night packages as per our scenario, in last we will add scheduler for run script automatically on time.
we can easily do all things by copy all rules and paste in terminal.
You can download Script file from bellow link

Hope you like my video.
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