Building proactive cyber defense | InstaSafe Webinar with Maninder Pal Singh

  • 2 years ago
In this video Mr. Maninder Pal Singh (Partner, Agrim) talks about building proactive cyber defense .

Topics Covered in this webinar:

1. Over the last couple of years, pandemic has changed the entire world and more specifically, the focus on cybersecurity. How do you see the change in cybersecurity landscape before the pandemic and post pandemic (year 2022).

2. We see you have spent considerable time in consulting and advisory companies. Do you see any change in the way corporate leaders consider cybersecurity as the focus area over the last decade? Please tell us more insights about your experience in board room discussion with regard to cybersecurity.

3. What are some of the Top key challenges or Top key focus areas of CISOs among corporates?

4. Data breaches are continuing to grow every year as we see. Even though new cybersecurity tools and techniques are being employed, we see newer and newer techniques employed by hackers to outsmart organizations. According to you, what are few core areas that organizations need to focus to stay ahead of hackers?

5. What are the challenges SMEs face and how do you think we can address them?
Can you elaborate on what you mean by Proactive Cyber defense and how organization can benefit from it?

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