Can India's ONDC KILL Amazon, Flipkart & Zomato? : ONDC Business Case Study

  • 2 years ago
On 8th May 2022, the govt of India launched a pilot phase of something called the Open Network for Digital Commerce(ONDC), which is a freely accessible online system for traders and consumers. and the reason why this is very very important is because the govt intends to breakdown the digital monopolies and Duopolies of Giant tech companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Zomato and other companies!! On one side, while a legend like Nandan Nilkani is associated with it, on the other side, Anand Mahindra himself had all praises for the ONDC initiative, this is expected to be as revolutionary as UPI itself!! So keeping aside all the hype, in this episode today,
Let's try to understand What are the major problems in the market that promoted the govt to launch the Open network for Digital commerce?
How will it promote small sellers and businesses against the giant companies in the market???
and what are the most difficult hurdles that could turn this very same initiative into a flop project??