Pink Beach - Lombok - Indonesia

  • 2 tahun yang lalu
Pink Beach Lombok has a history that was formerly called Tangsi Beach, and not many know because this location is quite remote. Access to Pink Beach Lombok is required to explore tropical forests and damaged roads. At first Pink Beach Lombok was only visited by young people in East Lombok, who really liked the adventure in 2012 -2013.

The news of the existence of a beach with pink sand reached the travelers/young people of Mataram, and finally Mataram youths visited the beach location by exploring the tropical forest. When they arrived at the location, the young Mataram people took photos of the beauty of the pink tangsi beach. Then they disseminated about the pink beach, through social media and it became viral at this time.

Finally, tourism actors in Lombok developed the potential of this tourist attraction, by promoting the new name Pink Beach Lombok, and making alternative access to Pink Beach by sea, using boats and utilizing the existing pier on the outer cape of the East Lombok area. Until now Tangsi Beach is better known as Pink Beach Lombok. That's the history of Pink Beach Lombok which is currently popular.


