The Ahmad Nawawi Satay, Bandung Must-Try Legendary Culinary

  • 2 tahun yang lalu
The Anggrek Ahmad Nawawi Satay is one of the legendary culinary delights in Bandung.

Satay or sate is a juicy slice of meat skewer cooked over a charcoal open fire.

The Ahmad Nawawi satay stall is always crowded by buyers because of its delectable taste. Shown in the TikTok account @hungryfever, the stall sells 10 thousand satays in one day.

It is not surprising because of the distinctive taste and the affordable price. Because of serving many customers at one time, they use a very long grill to roast the satay. See more in the video.

#Satay #SatayinBandung #IndonesianFood #SateAhmadNawawi

Voice Over / Video Editor: Aulia Hafisa / Praba Mustika

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