...وبالتالي لأن السياحة الصحة هو السعر عند ...

  • 2 years ago
00:00Therefore, because tourism and health is the price at the demand, this is only the point, but I agree with you, as I said, the beginning, because there is an issue
00:09Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, fat
00:11is the reason for such a problem. There is the issue of the environment, I mean, the leader of alternatives, there is a very strong role,
00:20the Green Parties, and we are about to hold several elections. The European countries that are reaching TheR are also close
00:26to reduce the dependence on the traditional energy, but the purpose is seen by
00:35a political party that is not possible on the ground,
00:38Europe is taking bigger steps than its capabilities in the level of alternative energy and clean economy.
00:46It is true, I mean, the way is very difficult, but I think that they have been fighting with deputies of demonstrations for two years
00:54not only the greens and the supporters of the environment,
00:58But large parts and large sectors of the European people and so on, the big progress in the Green parties and demand a reduction
01:07even from nuclear energy or is it
01:09therefore, Russia knows very well that the use of gas as a political card, if not a lot
01:18and Russia, I think
01:19and Matty led many people and knew that its credibility is at stake, and therefore, it is not dramatic in this paper, and it did not mean
01:28I mean, it does not pass
01:30Europe's winter is cold and in a very difficult situation. We are in the middle of all bets and scenarios. Now, Hosni
01:40I will get back to you, Dr. Aldo Mitchell
01:43I would also like to ask about the available European alternatives to bow to the Russian political blackmail, so to speak. The scenario is also proposed
01:53It may be the least costly.
01:59In a nutshell, if you'll excuse me, you've got
02:02Sir. I want that in the end, an agreement will be reached with Russia on
02:09Energy and gas for this winter. I do not think that Russia has an interest in adopting
02:16a strict position that prevents reaching two agreements, and it is able to negotiate on the prices of the private sector. and its position is strong, but you know that there are limits. Therefore, I
02:28optimistic that an agreement will be reached
02:34If there is an acceleration of the process of adopting a line
02:40The pipes. And if he dies, Russia tightens up a lot, it will
02:45You lose the ability to get approval on Knotts Ri. They're dead
02:50because the Russian gas is passing through Ukraine, and if there are differences on