Craziest Ocean Discoveries

  • 3 years ago
Craziest Ocean Discoveries

These crazy ocean discoveries have had the most brilliant scientists stumped and conspiracy theorists have come up with their own explanations.Explorers have unearthed some of the most remarkable things at the bottom of our ocean, but some of these discoveries have remained a mystery ever since they were found. The ocean is boundless and scientists are puzzled at some of the miraculous discoveries found over the millennia.

An Immortal Jellyfish
Given the nickname "immortal jellyfish" for its ability to revert back to a polyp stage when it is starving or in danger, and basically escaping death, researchers believe this jellyfish may hold the cure to cancer. Scientists are still stumped as to how this jellyfish is able to transform itself back to its juvenile polyp state and how its cells are able to literally hit the reset button.

The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle lies between Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico and is said it be a mysterious region where planes and ships have vanished and disappeared without a trace. While there isn't any evidence that there is some sort of supernatural phenomenon going on, researchers believe that natural occurrences like hurricanes and changes in weather could be the explanation for these disappearances, but it's still all up for debate.

The Mariana Trench
The Marianas Trench is the deepest point on Earth and is located off the Mariana Islands near Guam. Only three scientists have made their way to this rarely explored part of our ocean including filmmaker James Cameron. Explorers will find themselves in total darkness as they continue to understand what else lies in the deepest parts of the ocean and how marine life manages to survive.

Japan Puzzles
One of the biggest mysteries in Japan lies in its ocean off the southern coast of the Ryuku Islands and has been dubbed Japan's Atlantis. Researchers discovered an underwater complex and are unsure whether it was man-made or a natural underwater formation. Some people believe the Yonaguni complex is what's left of a fabled Pacific civilization named Mu.

A Flowing River
There is a river flowing along the bottom of the Black Sea that is complete with trees, leaves, and ever waterfalls, and has been an intriguing aspect of the ocean since it was found. According to scientists, if the river was on land, it would be the sixth-largest river in the world in terms of the volume of water flowing through it.

An Alien Artifact
In 2011, explorers found this oval-shaped objects with mysterious markings on it on the ocean floor on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The discovery looked like something out of a Star Wars film and many people believed it was a spaceship that sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Scientists believe it is just a glacial deposit, but who knows?
