Cacao Is One Of The Most Complex Food Substances On Earth!

  • 15 years ago
Raw Organic Blue Green Algae

The seed of a fruit of an Amazonian tree, cacao is the highest antioxidant food on the
planet, the #1 source of magnesium, iron, chromium, and is also extremely high in PEA,
theobromine (cardiovascular support), and anandamide ("bliss chemical").!Raw
Chocolate balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, is a natural aphrodisiac,
elevates your mood and energy, and may cause you to have The Best Day Ever!

The truth about the health-benefits of chocolate is finally reaching our ears. However,
the whole truth should be told. Chocolate is healthy if it is dark with no added dairy
products/milk or refined sugar. Even better are raw cacao beans, the "food of the gods"
which possess all the magical properties of chocolate without any adulteration or

All chocolate comes from cacao beans - the seeds of the cacao fruit - which grows on a
jungle tree. Botanically, cacao is truly a nut. They may be referred to as cacao beans,
cacao seeds, cacao nuts, chocolate seeds, chocolate beans, or cacao nibs - all
essentially mean the same thing. For simplicity, we usually use the term "cacao beans."
Cacao beans taste like dark chocolate, because they are dark chocolate!

Cacao Beans contain over 300 chemically identifiable compounds making it one
of the most complex food substances on Earth!

Raw Organic Blue Green Algae