Enhanced 50X Breakthrough AC Hydroxy electrolysis Promo

  • 15 years ago
Sorry, but parts of the audio and video are purposely fuzzy to protect intellectual property involved. We've now managed to make much, much more Hydroxy HHO using AC Alternating Current than the last two months.

If you're interested in using this technology, and have bux to bring to the table, contact the Vancouver Gadgeteers club.

We are the only people that we know of who have been able to use Alternating Current (check out our previous video, with an o-scope showing the sinewave) for HHO Electrolysis.

This is just the beginning for AC electrolysis. Think of this as the beginning of LED bulbs, as a simile. LED lighting was invented decades ago. Think of where it is today. This is the promise of AC electrolysis, compared to Faraday.

Joke: They used to say, "Faraday, or no way" to hydrogen production. That's yesterday, isn't it?

The Vancouver Gadgeteers have discovered, rediscovered or invented several devices and procedures that can enhance lives of people everywhere. You can continue to support us, and let us continue making discoveries. At a rate of about once a month.

For example, a Vancouver Gadgeteer invented the i-pod eight years before Apple came out with it. He invented it for himself. This is how all of us discoveries were discovered -- we needed it for ourselves, first.

We think we have the cure for cancer, obesity, lymph gland inflammation, et al.

Check out the TV shows and magazines that have shown our inventions.

R o b M a t t h i e s
Vancouver Gadgeteer

"Be Better, Not Bitter"

"What is Integrity -- No Hate, No Envy, No Greed"

126 W. 3rd St,#38682,N. Vancouver, BC, V7M 3N1
phone 6 0 4 - 5 1 2 - 9 5 6 7

Audio and Video purposedly fuzzy to protect patent-pending process - Enhanced Breakthrough AC Hydroxy electrolysis by Vancouver Gadgeteer - Jan 2009

126 W. 3rd St,#38682,N. Vancouver, BC, V7M 3N1

phone 6 0 4 - 5 1 2 - 9 5 6 7


