ASIA - Gross national income (GNI) per capita 1992 - 2019

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data are in current U.S. dollars. (Mar 22, 2021)
Source : World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.

incomplete data:

Afghanistan(1992-2009) - Azerbaijan(1992) - Cambodia
(1992-1994) - China, Macao(2019) - Democratic People's Republic of Korea(1992-2019) - Iran(2019) - Iraq(1992-2003) - Kazakhstan(1992) - Kuwait(1992-1994, 2019) - Myanmar(1992-1999) - State of Palestine
(2019) - Syrian Arab Republic(2009-2019) - Timor-Leste(1992-1999) - Turkmenistan(2019) - United Arab Emirates(1992-1999)
