Nuevo certificado de la Caja Nacional de Ahorro Postal en Argentina 1971

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Cesar Mascetti comments: - "This is a new certificate from the National Postal Savings Bank. The general manager, Mr. Taruela, is going to explain what it is about." Report to Mr. Taruela, in which he is asked: -Mr. Taruela, how is this with the savings certificate with stimulus? -How much does each certificate cost? -And this certificate participates in a monthly raffle, is that correct? -And how much can a saver earn with this certificate that costs 5,000 pesos? - Now at the end of the year I imagine that the big one will come? -You say that this service was implemented in 1963, in the 8 years that it has been collected, how much money has been moved by this service at least approximately? -Now, Mr. Taruela, tell me something, the saver buys this for 5,000 pesos, now he doesn't receive any interest, right? -Well, a key question, where can these certificates be purchased? (Cesar Mascetti)
Date: 1971
Duration: 2 minutes 27 seconds
Film Code: B-04839

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