The ultimate truth about the virus...

  • 4 years ago
"There is no pathogenic virus." Dr Stefan Lanka. The concept of contagion has never been scientifically satisfied and is a hoax.
"We don't catch disease, we build it." Antoine Bechamp "A virus is simply the excretion of a toxic cell." Rudolf Steiner.
'Viruses'/exosomes are the result of toxicity and NOT THE CAUSE OF ILLNESS. Coughing and sneezing adds only to our pre-existing level of toxicity. If you're clean these symptoms will never sicken you. There is no cold or flu 'virus' out there... We build sickness principally through unconscious eating/drinking habits, breathing toxic air and by not looking after ourselves effectively throughout the winter months. The CGI viruses we see on TV are all hypothetical models that have never been empirically observed (because they don't exist). When they show photography these vesicles are actually exosomes - released from dying cells to expel toxicity - see Dr Andrew Kaufman vids.
Further reading: "The Misconception Called 'Virus" paper found at "Virus mania: how the medical industry continually invents epidemics, making billion dollar profits at our expense." "Goodbye Germ Theory, ending a century of medical fraud." "What really makes you ill?" and "The Virus Myth" by Thomas S. Cowan MD and Sally Morell
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