Al Thawadi Tailoring Presentation

  • 4 years ago
Al Thawadi Tailoring is an endeavour that has been long in the making, as our founder first discovered his passion for fashion and tailoring at college. After finishing his studies, Isa took off for Asia to further his knowledge of tailoring and to learn the real secrets of the craft. He’s now back in the UK to put what he has learnt to good use, and bring the idea for a business that was born a long time ago to life. Having identified a gap in the market of fashion related advisory services combined with bespoke tailoring, he knows that the time to act is here.

Al Thawadi Tailoring is an online fashion advisory service. We pride ourselves on our in depth knowledge and passion for style and fashion. We cover all bases from bespoke tailoring to a range of fashion related advisory services. With our expertise, we are ready to make a big splash in the fashion industry. We believe that everyone should have access to fashion advice to dress and look their best – with the right support and guidance, anyone can develop their own unique personal style. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.
