N. Korea has not conducted missile testings since Pyeongyang-Washington summit in 2018: Pompeo

  • 4 years ago
폼페이오, 북 ICBM 공개에 "테스트가 중요…2년간 시험 제로"

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has played down North Korea's parading of a massive new long-range missile,... stressing that the regime has had no missile tests during the past few years.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
America's top diplomat has highlighted the importance of noting that North Korea has not conducted any major missile tests for the past couple of years.
"The North Koreans, however, last year did exactly zero intercontinental ballistic missile test last year. That held true for the year before that as well. So the agreement, the understandings, albeit not achieving our ultimate objective in North Korea, has certainly led to reduce risk from the United States versus where we would have been had we continued on the path that the previous administration had engaged in."
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was responding to a question at a briefing on Wednesday,... on whether the Trump administration's diplomacy with the regime has been successful.
Pompeo seemed to tout the administration's North Korean policies as the regime has not carried out any nuclear or long-range missile tests since President Trump and Kim Jong-un signed a joint declaration at their June 2018 summit in Singapore.
Despite Pyeongyang's recent parading of a massive new long-range missile,... Pompeo stated that only testing can ensure a missile is functional.
Pompeo also explained that China conducted more missile tests last year than the rest of the world combined,... implying once again that Washington is more concerned about confronting the increasing threat posed by Beijing.
He also mentioned the consistent violation of the most fundamental human rights in China.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.


