Brian Adams vs DDP

  • 15 years ago
01/04/99 Monday Nitro

Attendance is announced as 40,401. Page walks to the ring through the crowd because he's a suck-up. Lockup, Adams has him, Page counters, Hall-like shoudlerblocks, Adams throws him down. Page knocks him down. Adams with a relly cool open-handed slap. Back and forth, Page with a slap of his own. Combination, Adams ducks out. Page teases a pescado until he's sure Adams is gonna be there to catch him. Going back in, Vincent holds on so Adams can stomp all over him. Whip into the opposite corner, right, Page goes outside, Vincent gets a blow in. And one more, why not. Adams is still on him as we take a (why?) commercial break.

Hey, I bet Page wins! When we come back, Page is getting out of a hold of some sore, but Adams takes him down. Page with a clothesline. Tony says "live" again. Shoulderblock by Page. Dueling hiptoss attempts, swinging neckbreaker by Page. Vincent distracts Randy Anderson and Adams hits a Golotta. PILEDRIVER! 1, 2, no. Oh yeah, what was I thinking. Page gets in a right, and another, but Adams hits the eyes. Bearhug by Adams. Arm falls once, arm falls twice, arm doesn't fall thrice. Bell clap by Page, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Page - 1, 2, no. I ain't falling for it, don't bother. Whip, hiptoss attempt is countered into a - bulldog? Both men down. Both men up. Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine. Punch. Discus lariat? Okay. Adams catches Page and delivers an atomic drop. Adams with a punch, whip, back elbow by Page, Vincent holds on but Page KO's him with one blow (of course), then hits a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere (of course) to get the pin (of course) (8:58) Tony has the GALL to call it "a new variation of the Diamond Cutter." That match was about nine minutes too long. Page goes out through the crowd 'cause he's a suck-up. Replay of the mighty punch - the leap off the rope into the Diamond Cutter, and the pin