Full version Anger in the Office: Transforming Work Rage Into Positive Action For Kindle

  • 4 years ago
Just how big an impact does anger have on YOU in the workplace? * Have you felt that familiar feeling of slowly building office rage as situations and people around you start to push your buttons? * Have you ever responded to those situations by sulking, shouting or otherwise venting your feelings on the people around you? * Have you ever allowed those frustrations to bleed through when dealing with your manager or your customers? Most people don't even know where to start when it comes to handling these feelings but what if you did? What if you could manage to effortlessly handle it when your feelings of anger and frustration welled up? Just how much could it benefit you to be the one everyone knew to be calm, controlled and professional in ANY situation? ANGER IN THE OFFICE uses a blend of NLP and storytelling to give you the skills and strategies to channel those feelings of anger and frustration into positive action. Using the lessons and system in this book you will learn to: * Recognise when anger and frustration are building up and take steps to immediately address this and get control back over how you feel * Prevent feelings of anger from short circuiting your decision-making process leading you to make those snap decisions that you later regret * Express yourself effectively rather than angrily to get your point across without destroying the relationships you have in the workplace If you want to change your relationship with anger for good then this book is your first step!