Tliab In Trouble In Re-Election Bid

  • 4 years ago
Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib is in big trouble in her re-election bid.
The New York Times reports that some of Detroit’s most prominent Black leaders are backing challenger Brenda Jones.
Jones is leading in the polls for the Aug. 4 Democratic primary.
She has wide ranging support throughout the district.
She also has a large contingent of influential Detroit ministers and Rev. Wendell Anthony, the president of the Detroit chapter of the N.A.A.C.P.
Jones is an accomplished activist and legislature in Detroit.
Even some of Tlaib's supports admit her meager achievements pale in compassion to Jones.
Tlaib made headlines cursing Pres. Trump, booing Hillary Clinton, and picking fights with Jewish Americans and Israel.
She also made headlines for investigations in to campaign finance violations.
Most famously, Tlaib is known for being a member of the "Squad", a group of progressive women elected to congress in 2018.
Jones said she will be working her own Squad, when she gets elected.
“But my squad will be working with the poorest districts to ensure resources are sent to those districts so they will no longer be the poorest districts."
"I’ll be a part of that squad.”


