Opinion de gente sobre detencion de Robledo Puch en Buenos Aires 1973

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Journalistic note within a business located in front of the Somoza Family bakery and meters from Bar Munich on Avenida Del Libertador at 2800, following the arrest of Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puch, who escaped from the Unit No. 9 of the Olmos prison. Report to a man, in which he is asked: -What did you see, sir? -Did you know him? - Enter here in this business? -I hear something; what did they say -And he said something? -Can you describe how you were dressed? -So people from the area recognized him, he was hanging around here? -Did any of the events of Robledo Puch originate here? -There was no resistance? Report to a woman, in which she is asked: -When you saw him running, did you suppose it was him? -What happened after? Report to another woman, in which she is asked: -Tell us please, did they threaten her? -Did you know her before? -Did you live very close to here? -Have you ever had any idea how dangerous Robledo Puch could be? Report to a man, named Juan, in which he is asked: -Juancito, what are you wearing? -Confirm me one thing they just told me, offered no resistance; how it was delivered; how they got it; grabbed him by the shoulder or threatened him with a gun? -Juancito, have you been a doorman for this house for a long time? -Did you know Somoza? -What was Somoza like, a man who was killed by the boy? -Did you never imagine all this? (Leo Gleizer / Night)
Date: 7/11/1973
Duration: 5 minutes 20 seconds
Film code: C-00623

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