BC/YK Section Facebook Live Town Hall-January 21, 2021

  • 2 years ago
Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to host another Skate Canada BC/YK Section Facebook Live Town Hall meeting, Thursday January 21, at 7:00pm.

There are two ways to participate in the Town Hall Meeting:

1.Facebook Live

Participants can access the Town Hall meeting by watching on our Skate Canada BC/YK Section Facebook Page. Users can watch the meeting and type questions in the chat feed.

2. Skatinginbc Website

Participants who wish to only watch the video of the Town Hall can do so from the front page of the www.skatinginbc.com website.

Questions can be submitted by the following processes.

1. Facebook Live-typing the question into the chat box during the Facebook Live Town Hall.

2. Email-questions can be emailed to bcyksection@skatinginbc.com

Any questions that have already be emailed to the bcyksection@skatinginbc.com will be answered on the Town Hall

We look forward to everyone tuning into the Town Hall Meeting on Thursday.