Cops Attacked By 50 Men In The City of Dietzenbach (State of Hesse)

  • 4 years ago
An arson was reported in the city of Dietzenberg in our state of Hesse. When the cops arrived they were not just expected by the burning building dredger and a number of burning trash containers, but also a volley of about fifty men throwing stones at them. After more and more colleagues arrived in at least twelve police cars (a dozen of cars were damaged) and a fricking helicopter, the assailants could be scattered. Not captured. Mind you! Just scattered. After all, catching them could have hurt them and it is safer to rather keep the residents not safer. Maybe, just maybe, there is a middle ground, a sensible space between kneeling on a neck of a helpless, probably innocent person until he dies and letting yourself being beaten up by criminals caught right in the act. Maybe.
