Botchamania 411 (Full-screen)

  • 4 years ago

Hellter Skellter (Hell Stage) by +TEK (Skeleton Boomerang)
Needle Man Stage by Capcom (Mega Man III)
Koopa Bros Keep Cool by Yuka Tsujiyoko, Taishi Senda (Paper Mario)

Thanks To...
Heisenbuddy for the fabulous intro
Ethan Page for being entertaining
Tim Donst for being cool
goonman1, DarfTheDrunk, RighteousRag & TopRopeTony for contributing to the table montage
Tom Campbell for his lovely reading skills
Ezequiel El PlayVakero for the Jackass ending
Codster9 for suggesting the Top Secret! ending
Calum for the Velveteen Dream ending
TF_Touya & BLoody Vicious for the DBZ Orange ending
kellerb57 for the Animal Crossing ending
morningmoonmeme for the Mario kart ending
Mercy The Buzzard for the dick ending
RemingSteele for the GTA ending Part III
KnightWagner for the Greater Good ending
Eoin Hayes for the Asuka ending
Bloodestbath Bill for the SOCSER ending
Sam Fines for the SOR ending


I mentioned Fat Tapla and her twitter because she hid the fact she'd been wrestling while being a fan artist for years so I'm happy to have her finally featured in the videos. LOVE YOU FATTIE.

I've been lenient on including TALK TOO MUCH moments in the videos considering the empty arenas but the three loud moments to happen in the last two weeks were too good to not use (plus, y'know Bianca saying it on WWE's YouTube meant they had to be included.)

And in fairness, they *did* fucking nail it.

Rey's death & the backstage AEW brawl created a ton of memes/remixes so I couldn't include all of them or it'd kill the novelty. Variety is the spice of etc.

I wouldn't usually feature an EDITOR'S NOTE but I thought it only fair to include Tim Donst's response after Page spent so long burying him.

Tom Campbell's one of my favourite people and I'm glad I was able to get him on the show. Booking your mates is fun, I now understand nepotism. It's fun.

List Of Wrestling Companies And Where To Find Them...

Heisenbuddy can be followed here

WWE still has a network, go watch The Firefly Funhouse

AEW Dynamite can be clicked here but use wet wipes afterwards

Fat Tapla should be followed here

Chikara King Of Trios 2008 can be watched here, give Quack your money

Game Changer Wrestling for your hip, cool trendy needs

Ethan Page & The Besties is currently FREE on the HighSpotsNetwork

Tom Campbell of Cultaholic can be followed here

That's your lot, here's your usual social media links and keep yourself safe until next video
