World Hypertension Day: How to keep Hypertension at bay: watch | Oneindia News

  • 4 years ago
Hypertension is when a person' blood pressure is persistently above 140 systolic or more than 90 mm diastolic. most cases have no cause- essential Hypertension. 90-95 % of cases are of essential hypertention. some causes of Hypertention are- chronic drug usage, cardiovascular ailments & kidney disorders. Essential Hypertension risk factors- taking junk food, high calorie foods & not excercising. Many cases of Hypertention are linked to diabetes or cholesterol related disorders. Some symptoms can be heaviness of the head, blurring of vision, chest discomfort, palpitations & neck pain. In some cases- , heart failure or heart attack. major risk is that it is asymptomatic & diagnosed during routine check up.