5-minute national blackout protesting economic measures 1996

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: The multisectorial composed of the opposition parties Civic Radical Union (UCR), FREPASO and New Leadership, trade union and business organizations and representatives of various sectors met in a corner of Buenos Aires to wait for the moment of the national blackout of 5 minutes in protest over the new economic measures. Image with people gathered in the corner of San Juan and Boedo during the afternoon and night making the protest. Front Big Party banner. Testimony of Chacho Alvarez and Rodolfo Terragno. Lana Montalban's report. Opinion of the people who adhered to the national blackout. Image with fireworks in the sky. People making protest with pans in the street.
Date: 12/9/1996
Duration: 2 minutes 24 seconds
Code: DV-20298

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