USFK working to prioritize information on N. Korean regime: VOA

  • 5 years ago
미군당국자 "주한미군 조기경보체계 대폭 수정…정보과잉 우려

U.S. Forces Korea is reportedly struggling with an overflow of information... particularly from its early-warning system.
This is according to Voice of America, citing the U.S. Director of Intelligence for the Joint Staff,... U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Frank Whitworth, during a seminar held in Washington last Wednesday.
He was quoted as saying... the situation is comparable to 25 years ago when U-S-F-K tried to gather as much information as possible.
The report also said that in a meeting led by U-S-F-K commander General Robert Abrams,... there was a call for information to be better prioritized.
In response, it said, measures have been taken to ensure that priority goes to information related to the stability of the North Korean regime.