Jorge Videla arrives in Peru and isreceived by Francisco Morales Bermudez 197

  • hace 5 años
Peru: Tour of President Jorge Rafael Videla. Report at the airport where the journalist comments: - "The president of Peru, the members of the revolutionary board and the members of the ministerial cabinet await the arrival of the aircraft that will lead the Argentine president. They are also already in this Force air station Peruvian Air the Argentine Ambassador, Rear Admiral Jorge Chevalier and the Argentine Military Attaches in Peru, Colonel Horacio Torres, Jorge Colut Ship Captain and Commodore Marcelo Bonin, the Peruvian President is reviewing the troops that have been installed in perfect formation in the airport of the Peruvian air force, the Argentine aircraft is already on Peruvian soil, on its board the president of the Argentine Nation, the chancellor, the general secretary of the Presidency of the Nation, the secretary of Public Information and the head of the military house as well as a group of Argentine journalists. Meanwhile we are waiting for the presidential aircraft Argentina approaches the official perimeter, where the events will take place. The president of Peru and his wife, Mrs. Rosa Pedraglio de Morales Bermudez, are waiting with the highest authorities of Peru for the arrival of Lieutenant General Videla. The presidents of Peru and Argentina and the wives of both leaders pose for the Peruvian and Argentine press. Meanwhile the members of the official delegation continue to descend from the Argentine aircraft. Listening to the chords of the Argentine national anthem that welcomes the delegation of our country. While listening to the Argentine national anthem, an artillery piece greets the presence of the Argentine president. In the homeland of Peru, officers trained to receive the Argentine president sing the national anthem of our country. Now the chords of the Peruvian national anthem. The commander of the forces that are in the Peruvian aerosulation salute the president of the Argentine Nation who is going to initiate the magazine in a few moments more at the troops formed at the airport of Group No. 8 of Callao. "(Magnetic)
Date: 3/3/1978
Duration: 13 minutes 27 seconds
Film code: H-00249-2

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