Young Driver Academy - FDA CAMP in Livorno

  • 5 years ago
Six of the seven Ferrari Driver Academy students are currently at Livorno, Italy for the FDA spring camp, the second this year, after the winter Livigno one, which can be viewed in this video below. At these camps the students from the Maranello school take part in various training activities, both physical and mental.

Team building. Attending the Livorno camp are Robert Shwartzman, Enzo Fittipaldi, Marcus Armstrong, Gianluca Petecof, Giuliano Alesi and Callum Ilott. They will train on the beach, will try their hand at kickboxing, tackle some mountain climbing on Mount Serra, do some crossfit and tactfit and work on body flexibility. They will also work on tasks set them by mental trainers working for MedEx aimed at team-building and other self-analysis tests that, at first glance might seem not to have much influence on their work on track.

Next on the agenda. After the Livorno camp ends tomorrow, the students will attempt a “war path” during which they can put into practice much of what they learned during the week of training. Soon after, they will be back racing in their various categories. Mick Schumacher, Ilott, Alesi, Shwartzman and Armstrong will be racing in Formula 2 and Formula 3 at Paul Ricard alongside the Formula 1 Grand Prix, while Enzo Fittipaldi races in Formula Regional and Gianluca Petecof competes in Formula 1, at the Hungaroring over the first weekend in July.
