2018 Trampoline Europeans - SmartScoring's Shooting Star Award!

  • 5 years ago
26th European Championships in Trampoline, Double Mini-Trampoline and Tumbling, 12 - 15 April 2018, Baku (AZE)

Cristina Sainz (ESP) and Oscar Smith (SWE) win first SmartScoring Shooting Star awards!

The Award honours exceptional athletes with original stories
UEG’s Global Partner SmartScoring wanted to put the spotlight not only on the medallists in gymnastics competition. They came up with the idea of the ‘Shooting Star’ award, for gymnasts that stand out because of an exceptional performance or background story.

The selection committee consisting of UEG President Farid Gayibov, General Director Lisa Worthmann, Head of Media Tina Gerets and SmartScoring CEO Emin Mukhtarov listened to several incredible stories, proving that gymnasts truly are tough people, both physically and mentally.

The winners are Cristina Sainz (ESP) and Oscar Smith (SWE)!
Enjoy their stories!

Christina Sainz:
Christina, now 27 years old, has been a promising trampoline gymnast since the beginning and a steady international competitor for Spain for the last 15 years. The economic crisis starting in 2008 hit her home region around the city of Albacete in the south-east of Spain very hard. The regional government was forced to shut down the high-level training center of the trampoline gymnasts and Cristina’s long-time coach returned to his home country Colombia. Being a fighter who never gives up, Cristina decided to do everything to continue her trampoline career. Together with her team mate Jaime Ponce she searched a new training venue. Since finding a basic gym hall she is now not only training there herself, but also running the club and coaching! And on top of this triple job she is a mother and little Tiago certainly also is keeping her busy!
Christina, we wish you the best of luck for all these ambitious tasks in the future!

Oscar Smith:
Already since a young age the now 26-year-old Oscar stood out as being the most motivated kid. Even though being told that the training group was already full, he begged his way in and since then it was difficult to remove him from the trampoline. When he got older unfortunately several serious injuries struck his career. He missed the major competitions in 2013 and 2014 but managed to fight his way back to a good comeback in 2015. Disaster followed with another injury in 2016, which side-lined him again for most of the year. The audience was surprised about his remarkably well comeback at the Swedish national championships in 2017. He earned his place in the national team for the World Championships 2017 and now he is competed at the Europeans in Baku!
Oscar, you are a true stand-up-doll! Please remain healthy! The next European Championships 2020 will take place in your home country Sweden in the city of Gothenburg. This home match will certainly be a big motivation!

The award was presented by SmartScoring CEO Emin Mukhtarov for the first time in Baku at the Trampoline Europeans and will be presented at all European Championships from now on.

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