How To Marzipan A Cake | Good Housekeeping UK

  • 5 years ago
Create the perfect foundation for icing a wedding cake or Christmas cake with our video that shows you how to marzipan a cake.

You will need:
Fruit cake
Apricot jam, warmed and sieved
Icing sugar or vegetable fat

1. Marzipan, either homemade or shop bought, is applied to fruit cakes to create a smooth foundation for the icing.

2. Carefully slice a thin layer from top of cake, to create a level surface.

3. If you’re planning on making a stacked cake for an occasion, take a cake board same size as cake, and put cake on it, trimmed side down, so bottom becomes top. The cake board will help you move the cake later. Otherwise, you can put the cake directly on to a serving plate or larger cake board.

4. Brush top and sides of the cake with warm sieved apricot jam, this apricot glaze acts as a glue to secure the marzipan.

5. Lay a piece of string over the cake to measure the size of the rolled marzipan needed. And cut to size.

6. Roll the marzipan out to roughly 5mm thick, turning it regularly to make sure it doesn’t stick to the surface. Icing sugar or vegetable fat on the surface will prevent sticking.

7. Use the string to check the marzipan is wide enough. Lift the marzipan on a rolling pin and drape over the cake. Gently smooth the top and sides using the palm of the hand. And push the sides firmly to the base of the board.

8. Using a sharp knife, trim off any excess marzipan at the bottom, ensuring the cake board is covered in marzipan.

9. Use cake smoothers all over the top and sides, to ensure a super smooth finish and straight sides. If you don’t have cake smoothers, lightly dust your hands with icing sugar and smooth over the surface.

10. Trim off the last bits of excess marzipan from the bottom.

11. Leave in a cool dry place to dry out thoroughly for at least 2 days before applying royal icing or 1 day for ready-to-roll icing.

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