Martha Chavez Cossio hechos por la venta de armas a Ecuador 1996

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report to the congresswoman of the Democratic Constituent Congress of Peru, Martha Chavez Cossio, in which she is asked: - What was the content of the interview and what is the meaning and content of President Fujimori's message? (Respond: I have delivered a letter from President Alberto Fujimori, President of Peru to President Menem, reaffirming the confidence of the Peruvian government, of its people, regarding the clarification offered by President Menem of the facts related to the sale of arms) - What is the meaning that can be attributed to the fact that you are the one that transmits this message from President Fujimori to Argentine President Menem, you are president of the national congress of Peru, a leading figure of the government and the coalition that leads the President Fujimori, does it have any special political meaning that you are the bearer of this message? - When does the congress of Peru plan to return to the issue of arms sales during the war with Ecuador last year in January 1995? - When do you mean that the Argentine authorities grant the necessary information refers to the conclusion of the final process or a previous stage? - Tell me doctor, what is the meaning that has and has for Peru the fact that during the course of the war on the border with Ecuador there has been sale of Argentine arms to the antagonistic country of Peru in the course of that conflict? - President Menem's recognition of the existence of a criminal activity in this business of selling arms during the war with Peru implies from his point of view some political responsibility on the part of the Argentine government, its authorities, for example the president or the defense minister Oscar Camilion? - With respect to the Peruvian public opinion, what would you say is the attitude or feeling that exists at this moment with respect to this episode? - You to pose in these terms means, can be interpreted in the sense that these relationships have not been nicked in spite of what happened? - Do you set a deadline, any date for this statement to be made? - So it is to be expected a prompt response from the Argentine government?
Date: 5/16/1996
Duration: 6 minutes 19 seconds
Code: BG-0383

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