How to Stop Toddlers from Biting

  • 5 years ago
In this article, you will learn about how to stop toddlers from Biting. Every infant experiments with biting. Babies bite their teething toys, their mommy’s breast, their pacifier, or the fingers or shoulders of their parents. Usually, the parent’s immediate flinch or cry of surprise communicates to the child that biting hurts, and after a few experiments, the child has learned enough about biting to move on. The experiments cease.

There’s nothing bad or wrong with these biting experiments: the baby is doing what he or she must do to learn. The good news is that there is a lot that parents and caregivers can do to reduce and, ultimately, eliminate biting. To set the stage for effectively addressing this challenge, avoid calling or thinking of your child as a “biter” and ask others not to use this term. Labelling children can actually lead to them taking on the identity assigned to them, which can intensify biting behaviour rather than eliminate it.

1. Kind Ignoring
2. Create Rules and Policies
3. Give them Time
4. Reward Good Behaviour
5. Discourage biting in all Situations.
6. Do not drown the biting Child with Attention
7. Teach them to Express Themselves

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