Evening News Roundup 02/04/2019

  • 5 years ago
Congress president, who is contesting two seats for the first time, explained that he was fighting from Wayanad because South India feels hostility from Narendra Modi. by contesting from wayanad he wants to send message, that he is standing with south people.harmila targeted Pawan Kalyan, the leader of the Janasena in the election campaign .in Guntur election campaign sharmila spoke about the merge of janasena into TDP. according to YCP leader Sharmila, with in short time janasena will be merge in TDP she said . Pawan Kalyan is an actor in the political film, and Chandra babu is the director shamila commented on both babu and pavan .Actor Mohan Babu responds on cheque bounce Case and says it is completely false. Director YVS Chowdary files this case on Mohan Babu in 2010. It is issue on Manchu Vishnu's Saleem movie directed by YVS Chowdary .

*మిషన్ శక్తిపై అమెరికా అక్కసు ..ఐఎస్ఎస్‌‌కు ముప్పు పెరిగిందన్న నాసా
* వయనాడ్ నుంచి బరిలో దిగుతున్న రాహుల్ గాంధీ ..గురువారం నామినేషన్ దాఖలు
*కాంగ్రెస్ మానిఫెస్టో అత్యంత భ‌యాన‌కం..! ప్ర‌మాద‌క‌ర వాగ్దానాలను పొందుప‌రిచార‌న్న జైట్లీ..!!
