India News: Narendra Modi talks riots with Ramdev

  • 5 years ago
India News: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi touched on what has been a raw nerve for him, riots—though only to say the state has been free of it in the last 12 years. "When I won the elections in 2002, some people were unhappy, I had delivered a speech that day. I had said, elections are over, time for politics is over, the time has now come to move Gujarat forward.

There has been no communal riot in Gujarat for 12 years now. This is because my Government has worked for the benefit of all," he said addressing seers in Haridwar. Modi, who was sharing dais with yoga guru Baba Ramdev, got the seers' backing to be NDA's PM candidate. One of the religious leaders, Morari Bapu, said the saints have voted for Modi and it was now left for the country to decide.