Shahid Kapoor's Daughter Misha Kapoor Goes Viral AGAIN

  • 5 years ago
Shahid Kapoor went from being a heartbreaker to a loving husband to doting daddy in no time. Shahid Kapoor's daughter Misha Kapoor came into this world on 26th August 2017. Since then, the Rangoon star Shahid Kapoor has not stopped gushing whenever there is talk of his baby girl. A few weeks back, Shahid Kapoor surprised his fans by sharing the very first picture of a 5 month old Misha with wife Mira Rajput on his Instagram account. The black and white picture was totally candid and we thought the little girl could not get cuter than this. Obviously we were wrong. Shahid Kapoor once again posted a photo of his toddler and this one is definitely more adorable than the last. We can see a wide eyed Misha Kapoor lounging and looking straight into the camera looking cute as a button with her Milk T-shirt and hair bow. The doting papa Shahid Kapoor captioned the photo as moo moo here and a moo moo there, going with the milk theme. Isn't that adorable!

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