Bollywood actor, John Abraham busts the 6 pack abs myth!

  • 5 years ago
The handsome hunk of Bollywood, John Abraham recently unveiled the cover of the 101st issue of Men's Health magazine at an event in Mumbai. Not just that, the hot actor also features on it and like usual looks perfectly ravishing. The 'Force' lead spoke highly of success and also revealed his fitness mantra. He finally broke the myth that one may not have 6 pack abs and yet could be healthier than him! The 'Race 2' star happily posed with photographer, Dabboo Ratnani who shot him for the cover page of the men's magazine. The surprise element at the event was John introducing his fitness trainer, Vinod Channa - the man behind the chiseled body of Bollywood's heartthrob. This certainly was one insightful session! Way to go John!

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