Varun Dhawan And Yami Gautam Promote Bollywood Movie Badlapur

  • 5 years ago
For quite some time now, 'Badlapur' promotions have been on-going in full swing. The film's cast Varun Dhawan and Yami Gautam recently promoted their film at R-City Mall, Mumbai.

The actors were seen having a jovial time as Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan performed on 'Jee Karda' for his loving audience, while Yami interacted with her fans.
Wee saw Varun and Yami sizzle on their romantic track from the film, and also pose for the shutterbugs there.

Sriram Raghavan's neo-noir crime drama 'Badlapur', also stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui in lead, also Huma Qureshi, Vinay Pathak, Divya Dutta and Radhika Apte in pivotal roles.

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