Ranbir Kapoor Chooses Delhi Media Over Mumbai!

  • 5 years ago
Actor Ranbir Kapoor is the new busy bee in town with a handful of his movies coming out this year starting with Roy this week. There was a lot of speculation when junior RK was not seen in any promotional events around town attended by Arjun and Jacqueline. There were rumours that Ranbir is busy shooting for one of his many films to come and therefore was not present for the interviews. But the real reason is that Ranbir was very upset with the very nosy Mumbai paparazzi. Maybe that is why he gave his first interview for the movie in Delhi and not in the home city. Seems like RK is running scared of the Mumbai media thinking that by doing so he can avoid the questions on him and Katrina Kaif. But Ranbir, you have to come back to the home turf sometime..

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