U.S. must put 'maximum pressure' on N. Korea until CVID: Senator

  • 5 years ago
美상원 동아태소위원장 "대북 압박 완화 안돼…CVID가 목표"

U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, chairman of the foreign relations subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific, says the goal of talks with North Korea needs to be the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula -- the policy known as CVID.
That was in an opinion piece by Gardner, a Republican from Colorado, published just hours ago by Fox News.
Gardner notes that the Trump administration's 2019 Missile Defense Review says North Korea continues to pose an "extraordinary threat."
He says that there has been no concrete action towards CVID, and without such action, Kim Jong-un will pursue a strategy of delay and non-compliance.
Gardner goes on to advocate "maximum pressure" on North Korea... and not letting up until its weapons programs are completely gone.
