Deepika Padukone Wants To Marry Ranbir Kapoor If She Got The Chance!

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood hottie Deepika Padukone has become the new headline grabber in town with her various comments and digs about her ex-boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor and his current girlfriend Katrina Kaif. A few days ago we told you how Deepika had wished the happy couple on their rumoured engagement but advised Kat to not go ahead with wedding and marry Ranbir. If you think these contradicting statements by Deepika were confusing, we have something even more shocking from the actress. In a recent award show the Happy New Year actress was asked 'What would her new year resolution be if she was Katrina Kaif?' to this Deepika answered, 'If I was Katrina Kaif, then I would marry Ranbir
Kapoor'. It is difficult to figure out what Deepi is trying to say in these mixed messages, but her boyfriend Ranveer Singh better take care, because she seems to have her eye on her handsome ex-flame.

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